Join our amazing teachers for online

parent talks this spring!

  • Sunday, January 7th, 2pm Pacific

    Practice Strategies for Different Ages & Stages of Development with Christine Goodner.

    Half the proceeds from each parent talk will go to the OSI Scholarship Fund.

    In 2023 we gave out over $8,000 in scholarships to students and teachers. Help us continue to make OSI affordable for everyone!

  • Saturday, May 11th, 9am Pacific (recording available as well if you can't make it!)

    Motivation: What really works with kids and music practice” with Barbie Wong.

    How do you motivate a child to practice their instrument? The reality is that most children struggle with practice and some actively resist it. In this workshop, music educator Barbie Wong will explain how motivation actually works, what drives a child to make music with joy, and how you can create the right environment for that to happen. The result is a child who is more eager to play their instrument and stronger connections between the teacher, parent and child.

    Half the proceeds from each parent talk will go to the OSI Scholarship Fund.

    In 2023 we gave out over $8,000 in scholarships to students and teachers. Help us continue to make OSI affordable for everyone!